Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) in NYC
Hair loss can have a devastating effect on your self-esteem, whether you’re a man or a woman. One of the minimally invasive surgical solutions is a follicular unit extraction (FUE) procedure. For this hair loss treatment, your hair restoration doctor extracts one hair follicle at a time to transplant into a different area of your scalp. An FUE hair transplant is a precise method of transferring healthy hair follicles where you need them most. Call Linkov Hair Surgery in Manhattan for an FUE hair transplant near me. Get the best results at a reasonable follicular unit extraction cost.

What Is a Follicular Unit Extraction Procedure?
A follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a safe, minimally invasive hair restoration surgery. In this procedure, a hair transplant surgeon extracts an individual hair follicle from one part of your scalp, called the donor area, and implants the follicle into an area experiencing hair loss or poor hair growth. After the procedure, you have thicker hair in the implanted area.
An FUE hair transplant is a more precise procedure than the follicular unit transplantation (FUT) technique. In an FUT, the surgeon extracts an entire strip of skin or scalp with the follicles intact and implants it in another part of your scalp or body. If you’re searching for an FUE hair transplant near me in New York City, you’ve found Dr. Gary Linkov and his team at Linkov Hair Surgery. Their facility provides customized hair restoration services at affordable prices.
Patients Talk About Their Experience
What Are the Benefits of an FUE?
An FUE hair transplant is one of the most popular hair loss treatments for men and for women. This type of hair transplant in NYC offers more benefits over the existing methods to give you that fuller hair growth you desire.
Benefits of FUE include:
- Natural-looking results The main benefit of an FUE is the natural look of your hair growth. The transplanted hair grows with your natural hair growth cycle, so you see improvement each successive week. Full results come after nine to 12 months, but the gradual increase in hair means no one can tell.
- Minimally invasive hair transplant The safety factor of a follicular unit extraction is proven. The extraction of hair follicles is a minimally invasive procedure, with a fewer risks of complications. With no surgical incision, recovery is faster and the risk of infection is also lower.
- Less pain Unlike other hair restoration techniques, FUE procedure is relatively painless. Your doctor numbs your scalp before the procedure using a local anesthetic. Afterward, your doctor may prescribe pain relievers for any temporary discomfort.
A minimally invasive procedure, an FUE requires only one day for your surgeon at the NYC hair transplant center to perform the procedure, and then you start the recovery process. Count on the team at Linkov Hair Surgery for the best results possible.

What’s Involved in a Follicular Unit Extraction Procedure?
Follicular unit extraction is a popular alternative to traditional hair transplant procedures. The procedure uses hairs from your own scalp. Your surgeon performs the procedure using local anesthesia.
The steps in an FUE involve:
Before the procedure
On the day of the procedure, an assistant shaves the sides and back of your head or the specific extraction area of the hair follicles. The assistant also shaves the transplant area.
Your surgeon administers local anesthesia to reduce your discomfort during the procedure.
The follicular unit extraction
Your doctor extracts hair follicles using a micro punch tool. The doctor makes tiny incisions in the transplant area. Implantation of the extracted follicles on the incisions completes the procedure.
Post-procedure care
After the procedure, the doctor cleans and bandages the implant area. As the anesthetic wears off, you may feel some discomfort. You may be given a short-term prescription for pain medication.

Follicular Unit Extraction Near Me: Achieve Fuller, Thicker Hair With Minimal Downtime and No Scarring at Linkov Hair Surgery
If you’re facing thinning hair or baldness and have sufficient healthy hair for transplantation, opt for a board-certified plastic surgeon with specialized training in hair restoration. Ensure the doctor offers FUE procedures and has a proven history of successful outcomes and satisfied patients.
How to Find a Doctor Offering a Follicular Unit Extraction in Your Area
- Reach out to friends and family for recommendations.
- Search online for “follicular unit extraction near me,” “fue hair transplant near me,” or “fue near me.”
- Read reviews of local fue specialists online and schedule consultations to get to know their practice.
What’s the Aftercare for a Follicular Unit Extraction?
- Rest for a few days for faster healing
- Don’t use scented shampoos and similar products for a few weeks
- Avoid strenuous physical activity for at least a week
- Don’t comb or brush your new hair for about three weeks
- Avoid wearing anything that covers your hair, including hats, without your doctor’s permission
- If you experience any pain or other symptoms, contact your doctor immediately

How Much Does an FUE Hair Transplant Cost in NYC?
The cost of an FUE hair transplant near me varies because you need an individualized treatment plan. The factors that determine your follicular unit extraction cost include:
- The extent of the hair follicles to be extracted and transplanted
- The number of personnel needed for your procedure
- The number of sessions required for a complete hair restoration
- The experience or demand for your plastic surgeon
Anyone suffering from baldness or hair thinning may be a good candidate for a follicular unit extraction. Before your procedure, consult your insurance company, as most health insurance plans don’t cover cosmetic procedures, so you may have to pay out-of-pocket for an FUE. Contact Dr. Linkov and the team at Linkov Hair Surgery for a consultation to find out if you’re a candidate for an FUE.

Linkov Hair Surgery
150 E 56th St, #1A
New York, NY 10022
(212) 970-9404